jueves, 20 de abril de 2023

Historical Review of the Corregimiento Kilómetro 12

At the time of interviewing personalities from the town, including Mr. Emilio Contreras, a local figure, who has been president of the community action board for several years, Mrs. Gloria del Carmen Ortiz Guzmán, who has lived in the town almost all her life, we found some coincidences regarding the foundation of the corregimiento.

The Corregimiento Kilómetro 12 was founded around the 1930s, at that time it was just a small village, which was part of the Cerrito Corregimiento, in which some families lived, such as the Martínez, Perdomo, Vega, Plaza, and the Soto families.

On March 13, 2004, by agreement 0001, Kilometer 12 became a corregimiento and the villages of Loma Grande, Las Pulgas, Chispas-Las Palmitas, Chispas-Catalina, Chispas-La Gloria, and Kilómetro 15 were added.

Kilometer 12 Educational Institution

The Institución Educativa Kilómetro 12 is located in the Municipality of Montería, Department of Córdoba, Colombia, guides its INSTITUTIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROJECT (PEI), according to social participation, educational management, the situation of human resources (teachers, students, parents, and graduates) in relation to the projection of actions, the treatment of the environment and the socio-cultural environment.

At the end of the 60s, more specifically in 1968, a group of people concerned about the community's education proposed the construction of a school that would be located in the area, and that is how the movement began. Pro-school with the participation of the Ministry of Education, city politicians, and the community in general.

The name of the school at that time was Escuela Rural Mixta Kilómetro Doce.

The first school teachers were Noris Pérez de Nieto and Placidia Rojas Martínez.

On December 31, 1992, by agreement No. 025, the Institution was created with the name of "Colegio Municipal de Bachillerato Diversificado Centro de Orientación Juvenil"

On December 12, 1993, its name was changed to Colegio Municipal de Bachillerato Miguel Escobar Méndez.

 Two years later and by means of agreement 023 of August 17, 1995, its name was changed to Colegio Municipal de Bachillerato Kilómetro Doce

The school grew and on November 27, 1998, the Kilometer Escuela Rural Mixta Kilómetro Doce and the Colegio Municipal de Bachillerato Kilómetro Docewere unified into a single institution and it was called Educación Básica Kilómetro Doce, where educational services continued to be provided at the different levels of preschool, basic primary, and basic secondary. 

On November 22, 2006, through resolution 4727, he obtained recognition for the middle school level, grades 10 and 11. 

Today, the name of the school is Institución Educativa Kilómetro 12. 

Our school has had 5 school principals,

The first one was Alba Gómez,

The second, the teacher Bertilda,

The third Carlos González Oquendo,

The fourth, was Lorenzo Miguel  Martínez Quiroz, who was in this position for 22 years.

And nowadays the School principal is Ela Cecilia López Escudero, who was hired for the position in 2021.

Principles Taking into account that education is a process of permanent formation, the Kilómetro Doce Educational Institution aims to train a student who values and respects the Constitution, develops cognitive, moral and affective aspects, allowing him to be an active and participatory member of society, capable of making decisions at a given moment with criteria, conscience and an analytical sense. Likewise, a thinking human being capable of defending his rights and duties with dignity will be formed. The principles that guide the educational community are:

• The full development of the personality.

• Respect for human rights.

• Training for democracy and social coexistence.

• Respect for the environment.

• Practice tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

• Formation of cultural identity.

• Recognition and respect for attention to diversity.

• Rescue of ethical and moral values.

• Training in critical and analytical thinking.

• Knowledge of the Political Constitution.

• Promotion of education for peace and social solidarity.



The Kilometer Twelve Educational Institution of an official nature and a mixed nature promotes the training of men and women who build an ethic of coexistence, committed to leading the transformation processes of society to build a better future.


The Kilometer 12 Educational Institution is an official rural school whose mission is to comprehensively train girls, boys, and young people in basic, civic, and labor skills; strengthening the foreign language and based on the social-cognitive pedagogical model, with the inclusion of young people and adults in a situation of illiteracy or with incomplete schooling that allows them to perform with high academic and sociocultural skills, to improve their quality of life and that of their environment and access technical, technological and higher education.


To be a leading Institution by the year 2025 in the comprehensive training of children and young people in the region, recognized for its high academic level, with the strengthening of the foreign language and their insertion into the labor market and higher education, supported by articulation programs and flexible models.


Love, responsibility, respect, tolerance, solidarity, and leadership.

viernes, 13 de abril de 2018

Temple and Dining Room Mother Teresa of Calcutta

One of the most representative community and religious place in Villa Paz Neighborhood is the Dining Temple Mother Teresa of Calcutta. It was founded in 2008. It is run by the Franciscan Nuns. It has two functions, temple and dining;  youth and children are involved in pastoral activities, they receive food and and are instructed in the Catholic faith.

Yamile Ortega, Lina Rosa and Magola del Carmen Mendoza are the moms in charge of the place, they are assisted by 45 volunteer mothers. In this place religious services are offered daily at 4:00 PM , except on Tuesdays. Children and alderly people receive foods, breakast from 5:00 to 7:00 am and  lunch from 11:00 to 12:30. Currently, more food donors and volunteers are needed to provide services.

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Montería Biodiversity

Montería Flora and Fauna

Flora and fauna mean plants and animals; the word "flora" refers to plant life, while the word "fauna" has to do with animal life. This term is often applied to a specific biome or ecosystem of a place. In our case we are going to know and describe actions to protect "the flora and fauna of our region and country.

Fruits from our region[1]
The valley of Sinú is one of the most fertile valleys of the world. Therefore, people can enjoy a variety of fruit in our land.

Passion fruit: its scientific name is Pasiflora Edulis. This fruit is native from the Amazon Region of Brazil. It is a source of protein, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and fat. It can be eaten as fresh fruit, in juice, desserts, with this fruit is used to prepare nectars, jams, ice creams, puddings, preserves and other products. The oil extracted from its seeds could b used in manufacture of soaps, paints and varnishes.

Guava: its scientific name is Psidium Guajava. It contains 3 times more vitamins than an orange. It is a healthy fruits, it is said that its consume could prevent cholesterol and hypertension, diabetes, skin sagging. Guava is an American fruit. The guava fruit is fleshy, variable in shape and size  depending on the variety.  

Mango: its scientific name is Manguifera Indica, this fruit is from India originally. It is a fruit of the intertropical zone, fleshy and sweet pulp.

Papaya: its scientific name is Carica Papaya, it is a tropical fruit, with orange and black seeds inside, it is native from warm regions of America. It was first cultivated in Mexico, but is now cultivated in most tropical countries.  100 gram of papaya provides 43 calories; it is a significan source of vitamin C, and a moderate source of folic acid.





[1] August 4th,  Latin America fruit day.


domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Nueva Esperanza, Villa Paz and Furatena are three fraternal sectors, just one neighborhood.

• Nueva Esperanza, Villa Paz and Furatena, Three Fraternal Sectors, just one Neighborhood
• Manuel Ruíz Álvarez High School, Historical Review and Institutional Horizon

In late 1999 and early 2000 were generated in the city of Monteria several movements of invasion by people who were displaced by violence, single mothers and other citizens who did not have somewhere to live;  they triggered a series of brawls, protests and other disturbances that were out of control of government authorities, police and other agencies.
The squatter settlements reached to 11, in March 2002, that's when the police of the city decides to take action in fact or act by force to try to evict the invaders, triggering the fury of all those people who confronted police with stones, sticks and even guns and knives, to avoid being remove the piece of land that had invaded; clashes between the invaders and police Monteria Cordoba and increasingly grew louder, leaving hundreds of citizens and "law enforcement" seriously wounded and beaten.
When this occurs, the national authorities shipped from Bogotá a squad of riot police who came to the capital with express orders to vacate all lands invaded. Regarding to the historical context we want to discuss the groups of invaders and later the facts that form the foundation of Villa Paz and the three sectors that comprise (Nueva Esperanza, Villa Paz  and Furatena):
In March 2000, a confrontation between the riot and the invaders of the lands located between Mogambo, El Paraíso, Edmundo Lopez and La Candelaria neighborhood, which increased in a pitched battle is generated when the other groups of invaders came from their settlements to help their counterparts who were being forcibly evicted. When the riot police were confronted by an angry crowd, who defended their cambuches with all kinds of objects and words of those who invaded "with all his heart and soul" had no choice but to retreat, leaving the Mayor of, and the City Council to resolve the conflict.
The invaders in every sector of the city, where there was de facto occupation in 2000 founded the Popular Housing Organizations (OPV), with these the municipal administration headed by the mayor began to manage the pursuit of money to buy land for housing;  later, through a loan granted by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, a year after the invasion, The City bought 40 hectares of the "Hacienda Los Araujos" (located in south of Monteria, on the road leading to the village of Guateque to solve the problems of invasion and relocate their invaders in this place), the property was acquired by deed No. 2043 of January 15, 2002 the Attorney Circle of Monteria; the land was sold by Mrs.  SIRZABEL MENDOZA DE SALCEDO, worth 995 million pesos registered under folio real estate registration No. 14091806, Office of Public Records of Monteria. This tract of land the the neighborhood was built (78 blocks, including their green areas and school was delimited; the houses were built in lots of 7x14, more to the construction of school three batches of the same extension were left.
For all this, it can be said that Nueva Esperanza, Villa Paz and Furatena are three fraternal sectors which conform one neighborhood, as a result of the relocation of three groups of invaders in a geographical area in order to build a house for  their families. The land donated by the city of Monteria headed by Dr. Luis Jimenez ESPITIA were given by lottery on April 9, 2002 as follows:
In the Nueva Esperanza area, ranging from the block 1 to block 40, which is also divided in three sub-sectors (Luz Denis, Luis Bello and La Bonga) were relocated who invaded the land located between  Mogambo, El Paraíso, Edmundo Lopez and La Candelaria neighborhood.
In Furatena, comprising the block 41 to 55, were located who invaded the Hacienda Furatena; owned by Mr. JUAN CARLOS GIRALDO, located behind  Canta Claro neighborhood, next to a business called Carnes del Sinú.
In Villa Paz, ranging from the blosk 56 to 78, were located who invaded areas in Los Robles, and sectors behind La Candelaria neighborhood.
In total, in the area of ​​Nueva Esperanza 1,300 families were located in Furatena 560, and an equal number in Villa Paz.
Among the leaders who were in charge of procurement, dialogue and negotiation with the Mayor of Monteria we can mention:
In Furatena, Mrs. Rosa Agámez, for Villa Paz Mr. Romero Luis Cordero, Nueva Esperanza by Mr. José Meléndez, Mr. LUIS ALBERTO Bello and Denis SOTO.
The Board of the People's Housing Organization (IPO), at the time, was composed as follows:
Jose de la Cruz Melendez Viloria (Chairman)
Manuel Antonio Duenas Herrera (Treasurer)
Luis Alberto Bello Cavadía (Secretary)
Deni Lus Soto (Fiscal)

The boundaries of the district Villa Paz (Furatena, Villa Paz, and New Hope) are:

To the North: Panzenú, 2 de Septiembre  and Villa Margarita neighborhoods.
To the east: the farm of Mr. Salcedo and Mr. PUPO.
To the South: the farm of Mr. Salcedo.
To the West: Highway to Guateque Village.

At the time of its foundation any sector had electricity services, water supply, sewerage, domestic gas, telephone and public transport. Today, thanks to the work of its people, the management of community leaders and government agencies Villa Paz has managed to emerge, has water services, electricity, natural gas, telephone and public transport.

Although some residents of Villa Paz and Monteria in general, these three sectors are independent districts, the truth is that it is formally constituted as a single neighborhood "Villa Paz, which in turn is divided into three sectors. (Nueva Esperanza, Paz y Villa Furatena) Likewise, it is worth noting that the district is sometimes called or recognized by its members and the public as Furatena, perhaps because the facts or events of these processes that most sounded in the national and  local News and other media came and took place in the  Furatena Farm, as was previously registered.

It is worth noting that the delivery process and allocation of housing was a dark chapter, in which members of the Nueva Esperanza  area were called by  the Municipal Comptroller  for more than 51 complaints against members of the Board of O.PV ., irregularities in the allocation of plots, sale of some of them, allocation of plots with concrete posts belonging to the enterprise ELECTROCOSTA, for electrical cables inside them, by denying lots to  people who appeared in the lists of beneficiaries, with no clear accountability supports (more than 15 million pesos raised to members of the O.PV), among other irregularities, as it says in the report of the ombudsman and deputy coordinator participating area citizen-city comptroller, Reference: Commission No. 100 and 106 on March 18-22 2002.

The truth is that 105 families of beneficiaries were left without a house, while an equal number of no invaders were accused of giving money to some community leaders for the lots where they built their houses. It is precisely these families (which were in the list of beneficiaries and did not receive any benefit) which today has multiplied to more than five hundred, inhabiting the so-called high-risk areas of the neighborhood in small cambuches under high voltage  wires between 34,500 and 13,800 volts or inner side and the drainage channels. At present, these still occupy green areas intended for the construction of parks, schools, health centers etc., while waiting for relocation and solve this problem by the municipality of Monteria.

The saddest thing about this part of the story of the founding of the neighborhood was the senseless death of some of their leaders, murdered by hands unknown until today.

Representative places of Villa Paz Neighborhood.

Temple and Dining Room Mother Teresa of Calcutta:

One of the most representative community and religious place in the neighborhood is the Dining Temple Mother Teresa of Calcutta , it has two functions, temple and dining;  youth and children are involved in pastoral activities, they receive food and and are instructed in the Catholic faith.
Yamile Ortega, Lina Rosa and Magola del Carmen Mendoza are the moms in charge of the place, they are assisted by 45 volunteer mothers. In this place religious services are offered daily at 4:00 PM , except on Tuesdays.

"La Placita Park"

                                                  Business sector on Main Street

Interview with Mr. Uriel Coronado, resident of the neighborhood, a street seller, he has been working for five years. Advise: "Young people should study for a better future"

Interview with Mrs. Pacheco Mena, a seller of fruit, she has spent six years in this bussines, she gets up at 5:00. Advice: "If I had studied today I had a better profession. Young people should take advantage of this opportunity."

Interview with Mrs. Mari Luz Mendez, she  sells plantains and chicharones, she lives in a small cambuche located under some power lines, for 15 years.

Cambuches sector built under power lines and public space.

Interview with Jorge Luis Velasquez Tordecilla, mayor of the neighborhood who explains how the processes of invasion occurred, summarizes the history of the neighborhood. He invites young people to be educated and trained as true community leaders.

Child Development Center: Life is Beautiful

History of the Institution

Manuel Ruiz Alvarez High School is an official educational institution, of a mixed nature and Calendar A, it was created as an educational institution on November 9 2007; it was   officially recognized by the city of Monteria with the 0611. It is located in the Block 66, Lot 1 of Villa Paz neighborhood, which is a marginal urban area of ​​the city. Currently it has two sessions (morning and afternoon) and on Saturday offers education to adult people. The current population is 904 students in morning, 893 in the afternoon and 240 on Saturday, for a total of 2018 students distributed in Preschool, Basic Primary, Secondary and the Academic Media. On Saturday The Program for Adult Education is worked through the Methodology "Human Being", by CLEI or cycles (I, II, III, IV, V and VI). Human talent corresponds to 56 teachers, 4 teachers and 6 administrative managers.

To know our history, it is necessary to return to the creation of the  Villa Paz Neighborhoods (With sectors Nueva Esperanza, Villa Paz and  Furatena ) because they are born with three schools, one was located in Furatena (in a cambuche in the park) in Nueva Esperanza worked in one of the  houses that  the city bought for the construction of the neighborhood and the third one in Villa Paz, it was located in the place where today operates the Community Action Board. All this was the result of the dedication and commitment of several educators who gave birth to this school on January 20, 2003, initially providing their professional services for free, but they were  hired by the Diocese of Monteria in agreement with the Mayor of the Municipality later. At that time only the elementary grades were offered. On June 10 of that year on the express orders of the Ministry of Municipal Education the three schools are merged, taking the name FRIENDLY SCHOOL MANUEL ALVAREZ RUIZ, school friend for the implemented methodology and assistance of UNICEF, (School work answered the specific needs of the student population and community, teachers worked values, coexistence, citizenship skills. The professionals werechired by UNICEF and the Curia); Manuel Ruiz Alvarez in honor of the teacher,  leader, and defender of public education in the Department of Córdoba and deputy killed in 2007,  time in which the three school were merged to formed our school.

His first director was the teacher Hilder Manuel Flórez Villar, who came as the  principal founder of the Furatena School. The school started to Work With 820 students spread over Preschool, Secondary School and a group of "Accelerating Learning" with the accompaniment of 32 educators.
When the Ministry of Education decided to restructe the schools to organized Educational Institutions, The Friendly School Manuel Ruiz Alvarez became part of the Cristóbal Colón High School, led by Mr. Enrique Fuentes Negrete, with a population of more than 1500 students and 50 teachers and a physical plant of three blocks with a capacity of 22 rooms.  In 2007, the Mayor Leon Fidel Ojeda Moreno firmed the  resolution that gave to our school official recognition as an independent institution, receiving the name of Manuel Ruiz Alvarez High School.

On October 25, 2006, the institution receives 10 classrooms built in the space enclosed grounds where today are the levels of pre-school and other grades, as it says in the opening plate; this space of land was purchased with contributions of people achieved under the coordination and support of UNICEF, the Government of Córdoba, the Diocese and the city of Monteria. It can be read on the plate thanked for contributions to companies, employees and customers for the construction, provision and transfer methodology Friendly Schools Children IE Manuel Ruiz Alvarez to HOMECENTER, CAVIPETROL, AON, SIEMEMS, UNISYS, ECOPETROL, SURATEP, NATURES SUNSHINE, HEWLETT PACKERD, UNILEVER, NACIONAL DE CHOCOLATES, LEGIS,  UIP, NOVARTIS Y LABOPAT.
The specialist Tatiana Paola  Negrete Regino took over the school on August 1, 2008 until March 31, 2011 when he assumed the position our current rector Specialist Eduardo Enrique Correa Suarez possessed on April 1, 2011.
The limits or boundaries of School "Manuel Ruiz Alvarez", are:

> North: to the street that separates the blocks 66 and 67
Villa Paz.
> South: the street that separates the blocks 65, 66 and 72
Villa Paz.
> To the east: the street that separates the blocks 66 and 72
Villa Paz.
> To the  West: with the double street separating apples
66 and 60 Villa Paz. [1]

Here are the words of some people who have been Principals of Manuel Ruíz Alvarez High School.

Tatiana Negrete (Rector August 1, 2008- March 31, 2010): "I assumed the Rectory of Manuel Ruíz Alvarez High School on August 1, 2008, after participating in competitive basis; with high expectations and convinced that It was God who took the challenge. At that time the Educational Institution Manuel Ruíz Alvarez, was one of the two youngest schools of Monteria, it was administratively very disorganized, its infrastructure was largely neglected despite being relatively new.  It was the center of all activities in the area and leaders were seen that felt like his. My work focused on the administrative reorganization, to positively address the community feel, to accompany the community, to be his support and earn credibility with the intention of opening the way for good things came to this institution. Fortunately we received the support of the Mayor of that time, Marcos Daniel Pineda García, who manifested a loving and special appreciation for this community and for the institution; under the period of my administration and supported by the educational community and local government, it was built the school fencing, paving the entire yard, the construction of two classrooms, the adequacy of the computer room and the digital room, building a sanitary unit, internal and external painting of all facilities, the adequacy of the cafeteria; with the contributions of gratuity was invested in improving the furniture and other tools and space to serve students, faculty and staff, as it was able to organize the staff room, administrative unit and stabilize maintenance of facilities, including other improvements. At the time that I was the Principal ofl Manuel Ruíz Álvarez High School I could see in Villa Paz, Furatena and Nueva Esperanza power grid across the sector improved, as the rainwater channels were completed, the natural gas service was installed, how it was built and began operating the temple room and most importantly how they got the house connections of drinking water, one of the greatest needs of these communities at that time.
Finally, I have to say that the health problems caused by high-risk pregnancy and the commitment that meant the arrival of a new child into my life, I decided to go from the Educational Institution Manuel Ruiz Alvarez. I will never forget the learning and life experiences, the affection of the community, children and young students, and some teachers... I will always be grateful to this institution".

Eduardo Correa: "I started as director of Manuel Ruíz Álvarez on April 1, 2011, I received the school when the specialist Tatiana Negrete Regino left it. In 2011 when I took the rectory, the school offered educational services to the community of the neighborhoods Nueva Esperanza, Furatena, Villa Paz and El Paraíso, the great concern of teachers in general was like going to counteract the effects of Mega Colegio Los Araujos regarding to the coverage. We undertook a crusade with the current administration for the achievement of a piece of land to build a new headquarters that would allow us to accommodate our population which is increasingly growing. We are in this task; especially now that we have the challenge of providing services with an only academic journal, to give the education to the community with a high quality that satisfied its needs and be ahead of the national reality. Today, the creation of La Gloria and Los Recuerdos Neighborhood, since the majority their children are part of the school population; so we have the challenge of getting the land to build the new infrastructure; furthermore to improve quality and coverage for this new population.
We have the strength of having 3 fully equipped computer classroom which have internet service the 24 hours of the day, which complements the physical library. Our short-term projection is to turn classrooms into specialized classrooms equipped with AA and the technological elements necessary to make enjoyable and productive the teaching-learning process and positively impact the performance of our students. Our main challenge is to get the land with the city administration to build the new headquarters of the institution and give students a space commensurate with their training needs, as well as have the only academic journal and help students to get the incentives offered by the government to continue a professional career.
This is a relatively young institution, it is seven years old as an Official Educational Institution, the 11th graders of this year will be the sixth promotion of academic graduates in traditional Journal, and the fourth adult graduates with flexible methodology. It is important to say that transversal projects are implemented in the school, among them, the environmental education, sex education, music education and training for peace, the latter under the auspices of the NGO World Vision".

      Institutional Horizon

Thinking about the institutional reality and to respond to the needs of the educational community the school has defined the following institutional horizon:
The institutional horizon indicates how "the dreams" of the institution and the context are going to be achieved in a period of time by the educational community, taking into consideration the global, national, and local policies. This facilitate the construction of the different dimensions that were defined by the institution. It is built under a comprehensive vision and forward-looking. It describes the following aspects of the organization: mission, vision, objectives, principles, values ​​and symbols.

To form academically and with the best values of the human beings  to children, youth and adults through an inclusive pedagogical approach, centered on the academic development of moral-ethical, cognitive-cognitive, social and personal learning processes of students, based on principles to be people who are able to build environment culture and improve their quality of life, and therefore the progress of their community.

In 2020 Manuel Ruíz Álvarez High School will be recognized at local, regional and national levels for the efficiency, effectiveness and quality in the development of educational processes, academic, cognitive-cognitive and psychosocial inclusive for vulnerable populations and those with special educational needs .
It should be said that the school Manuel Ruiz Alvarez is based on the principles of the Study, the Progress and the practice of values:
The study responds to the development of skills and abilities that enable students not only to acquire new knowledge, but also the skills  which help them to face the challenges of XXI century; bisides to have a better interaction and assertive communication, to emerge as a leader in their community. The institution aims to facilitate study strategies to achieve better results.

Progress, which is viewed and understood in  our institution as the passage from one stage to another which indicate improvement in the human condition, such as breaking ideologies, beliefs and paradigms that impede progress. Progress is to grow in politics, science and technology, as well as acquire an environmental culture to ensure sustainable development, social economic sphere, which is evident in the local, regional and national welfare.
Values ​​are considered in the institution, as those principles that allow us to guide our behavior in order to realize ourselves as individuals, as the fundamental beliefs that help us to prefer, appreciate and choose some things rather than others or as a replacement behavior instead, as sources of satisfaction and fulfillment too. The values ​​form the framework of behaviors that we have the members of the educational community to respond to their nature and rationale; the objectives or purpose for which it was created; its mission and vision for the future. The institutional values ​​inspire attitudes and actions needed to achieve the goals we set and is mainly reflected in the details of what we do every day.
In addition to the above the institution considers as fundamental principles  the followings, due to them help us to achieve effectively what is projected in the Mission and Vision:
Principle of inclusion: seeks to respond to diversity in general, assuming the commitment to develop educational practices in which all participate and contribute, framed on cooperation, flexibility and constant modification or adaptation of the comprehensive school system to meet the needs of the members of the educational community.

Responsibility: It is directed to the constant search for fulfillment of interdisciplinary functions of the members of the educational community (students, parents, teachers, school administrators and administrators).

Respect: geared to the recognition of others and self framed in the field of diversity and human development dimensions.

Teamwork: through cooperative work processes we seek the fulfillment of the goals, goal, mission and institutional vision.

Efficiency: this offers opportunities to generate consistent high quality processes that enable the development and production of knowledge and coexistence with us to strengthen the institution.

Quality: It is aimed at the constant improvement of pedagogical processes and coexistence to achieve the purposes, objectives, mission, vision and organizational goals proposed in the Institutional Educational Project.

Leadership is the constant search for maximum educational, cultural, environmental, cultural and in different areas and scenarios that the institution and the community  require to promote self-management and meeting targets representation.

Solidarity, essential principle on educational work, intended to overcome the individuality to achieve social cohesion and creating tissue to constantly seek to educate on diversity and difference.

Assertiveness: is promoted in our institution in order to achieve the capacity to function effectively in society, to act and say what they think about the time and place, with frankness and sincerity, with words that do not violate people's rights, always looking doing the things in the best way.

Honesty: It is promoted as one of the principles flag of our institution, through its implementation the truth is always unveil, as well as a way to form the personality in terms of the permanent quest to be authentic, genuine expression of respect, to be always ourselves, respecting the diversity and differences.

Tolerance: It is oriented to the recognition and acceptance of others as part of human diversity.

Flexibility: Its orientation is aimed at allowing physical-psychological and academic adaptation by members of the community to the change and the specific circumstances of the institution to progress.

Entrepreneurship: Its implementation is aimed to achieve the attitude changes in the members of the community to allow them to undertake new challenges and projects in and out of institutional life.


Manuel Ruiz Alvarez High School  was created for the benefit of the whole  Montería people, specifically to supply the educational needs of the locality in which it is located, carrying out the aim of improving the quality of life to the population through educational processes, based on religious, ethical and moral values; taking into account the customs, rights of children and beliefs of each individual without regard to race, creed, religion or position.

In this way, the school  contribute to the formation of  children, men and women capable to lead processes in their community to contribute to the development of citizenship and social progress.
Our institutional emblems


We are Manuelitas we are the pride of this land,
Children and young people struggling to serve,
with studio effort and nobility
we grow a better future
with studio effort and nobility
the progress in our country will come.
Of our people we are the light
radiant light of grand illusion
our thinking is always in spring
to change the life that awaits everyone.

We serve God and the homeland,
let's study companions,
Now the future holds for us,
a happy and successful way.

The dawn invites us to know
what is under the candid and limpid blue sky,
a sky that we look afar,
and shows us a common path

Our emblems will respect,
they invite us to succeed,
They are effort values and progress,
every day they accompany us.


Words and music: Jose Gonzalez Puche
Arrangements: Geovanis Salcedo and Alicia de la Hoz


The flag symbolizes the institution union and freedom of our community. Has two stripes, blue top and the bottom green, in the blue band has a star and in the center, between the blue and green two.

* The three stars represent the districts where the school was born Villa Paz, Furatena, Nueva Esperanza, the white refers to the desire for peace and purity of the educational community.

* The strip of blue sky symbolizes the beautiful city of Monteria, in addition to wisdom, intelligence and faith of our students.

* Green band interprets the hope of the community, their desires for a better quality of life and their interaction with the environment for building an environmental culture.